Playa Blanca – Audrey Landers



There is a place that I dream of With beautiful white sand sitting in a silver bay.

I see the shimmering water the shade from the palmtrees –

I could sit and dream all day.

I feel the warms of the sunshine touching the white shore

Seaguls dancing on the sea. I see the boats in the distance and out on the horizon

Sailing to my fantasy. Playa Blanca – Playa Blanca

The special magic feeling floats through the air

I feel the happiness and love everywhere. Playa Blanca – Playa Blanca

And when I come back to you some day I’m gonna stay.

There is a place that I dream of With beautiful white sand

gentle breezes to my hair.

I hear the sound of the water echoing to me.

I can’t wait to be back there.

I see a splash in the night sky a rainbow of colours

Lighting of my fantasy. And very soon of the feeling

the blow of the evening

That’s the place I long to be.

Playa Blanca – Playa Blanca

. . .

Playa Blanca – Playa Blanca



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